
Baldr crash fever
Baldr crash fever

baldr crash fever

Died horribly on a tough quest? No biggie, energy's only consumed when you BEAT the quest.Anti-Frustration Features: Went to play something else and come back to find the game reset on you? No problem your progress on that quest is autosaved, so just pick back up where you left off!.

baldr crash fever

Red ones raise attack power, blue ones raise REC, which determines how much HP is recovered per Heart, green ones raise stamina, the rainbow ones increase the total amount of apples a unit can take, up to ten, and crystal ones raise skill level by 1, (normal) 2, (Mega) 4, (Giga) or a whopping fifteen.

  • Anthropomorphic Food: Apples, which come in single (+1), Mega (+3), Giga(+10), and Tera(+20) varieties.
  • The better you do, the fancier the medal. In the aftermath of a Rank Quest, you get a medal next to your profile name based on how you did compared to everyone else around the world.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: In a sense.
  • And I Must Scream: When Azathoth was shut down, she wasn't even shut off, just sealed inside an enormous egg.
  • Amusement Park of Doom: Kiddy Land could count, as it's a trap set up by a malicious avatar to bring members of Academia out of commission.
  • Amnesiac Hero: Ophiuchus, the hero of the Black Ground questline, had his data encrypted, and the questline centers around him trying to get his memory back while traveling through the ruins of Black Ground with other Astros.
  • Adorable Abomination: Azathoth is based off of, well, AZATHOTH, but her design, childish mannerisms, being extremely powerful both inside the game and outside it and C Skill lines make her quite endearing.
  • Aerith and Bob: Oh yeah, you have stuff like the names of gods and famous people, then you have Paper, Movable Type, Compass, Gunpowder.
  • Actually a Doombot: The Jeong Dojeons you fought in some of the Korea Branch quests were clones.
  • Hun Dun's puppets explode and kill you if you can't outdamage them, too.
  • Action Bomb: Fruits (the singular varieties) when encountered in quests, usually blow up and deal a ton of damage to you in early game quests, such as The Hunter Is Hunted.
  • baldr crash fever

    After breaking enough panels, you can use Fever, which heals and attacks depending on how many panels you tapped in its duration, but its main use is to clear the board of nasty hazards. After enough turns have passed, you can use Skills, which have wildly varying effects from unit to unit. Chain twelve or more and you get a Super Crash Panel, which has a bomb panel inside that blows up an area around it. Chain 6 panels in one turn and one of the attacking unit's Crash Panels is generated, which, when tapped, adds a Crash Skill to this turn's attack. You tap panels (which chain with neighboring panels of the same element) up to three times in one turn to attack, with the attack's damage this turn being determined by how many panels were destroyed. Gameplay is similar to Puzzle & Dragons but with an overall faster feel to it. This is where you come in, the Adapter, a special avatar granted the ability to make clones of units (many of whom are based on real life or literary figures) to fight on your side and use the special currency Polygons, using them to fight the QUEEN'S makeshift army and other foes. She then waged war on ALICE, leading to violence and many real-life services and the A.I.s managing them becoming buggy or defunct. The constant conflict led the QUEEN to believe that all mankind is evil, and that the only way to preserve peace in ALICE was to eliminate humanity, first resorting to trying to straight-up delete ALICE, but that failed as there were already failsafes in place for that. But then, certain groups of hackers and crackers started increasing their attacks on each other and the QUEEN. However, cybercrime was rampant to a point that the government couldn't get a hold on it, so a band of avatars known as the Superior Seven, some of whom would go on to form ACADEMIA, created a super-AI to manage everything named the QUEEN of Hearts. Far into the future, almost everything is online and connected to the virtual land of ALICE.


    Crash Fever is a free to play puzzle mobile game with RPG Elements and Visual Novel-like cutscenes from the Japanese publisher Wonder Planet. note Clockwise, from bottom: Belial, Jerry, Mobius, Lancelot, a Little Humpty, Happy 100, Tamamo, Murasaki Shikibu, Enkidu, Cauchy, an Aqua Frog, Prometheus, and Pareto.

    Baldr crash fever